When a loved one passes
away, it is often a very difficult and confusing time. While one is
left to ponder the timing and reason of their loved one’s passing,
there is also the unenviable task of making sure the deceased’s
estate is distributed in strict accordance with their will.
In most cases, the
process is executed without any complications; other times, there is
a party challenging the content or validity of the will. In the
latter scenario, grieving family members may require the services of
an experienced
probate attorney.
A probate attorney
commonly represents the executor of the deceased’s will, as well as
the heirs named within if they also need representation. The probate
lawyer helps expedite the legal process, filing any motions and
pleadings that are needed. All in all, probate lawyers help lessen
the complications of what is likely a difficult time for the family
of those who have passed away.
In many cases, heirs do
not know of a probate attorney until they actually need one. In these
scenarios, they are recommended to acquire the services of one that
is experienced, and preferably from a firm which places a sole focus
on estates and trusts, and does so within the state where the probate
is to be executed.
Estate and trust law
firms such as Generations are an example of these, as an individual
who requires a Sacramento probate attorney for a Sacramento based
probate can work with one through the local firm.